Assistant Professor,
Department of Sports Science & Yoga
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational & Research Institute (RKMVERI – Deemed University)
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Areas of Research:
- Understanding the organization of human brain structure/ functions and their genetic signatures in health and in diseases.
- How the diseases and trainings alter human brain structure/ functions and their relationships to behaviors?
- Development of MRI based brain imaging tools using computational/mathematical data analyses methods.
PhD/Post-doc/short project positions
CSIR-UGC NET, DBT, DST and other junior research fellowship (JRF) awardees from any branch of life sciences, medical sciences, engineering, mathematical sciences, physics, statistics, computational biology and other allied fields are encouraged to contact for PhD positions. Experiences in computer programming is highly desirable. Candidates who are interested to pursue PhD, Post-doctoral research or short-term projects may write to /
Research and work experiences:
- Assistant Professor School of Biological Sciences/ Department of Sports Sciences/JIVAN – Centre for Biological Sciences, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Education and Research Institute (RKMVERI), West Bengal, India, 2021- Current
- Post-doctoral Fellow The MIND Research Network (Formerly MIND Institute), USA, 2019-2021
- Newton International Fellow Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IOPPN), King’s College London, United Kingdom (UK). 2016 – 2018.
- Research Fellow (Post-PhD) National Neuroimaging Facility, National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Manesar, Gurgaon, India. 2015- 2016
- PhD (Neuroscience/ Computational Neuroimaging) National Brain Research Centre (NBRC, Institute under Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India), Gurgaon, India 2015
- Visiting Research Fellow 7 Tesla MRI Team, Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Centre, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2008- 2009
- Research Fellow Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2007- 2008
Prasun K. Roy, Subhadip Paul. Technique to enhance the clinical efficiency of radiotherapy and radiosurgery using perturbative beaming and tissue-specific radiobiology.
- U.S. Patent: US8804906 B2 (Status: patent granted/issued)
- Canadian Patent: CA2778337C (Status: patent granted/issued)
Peer-reviewed publications:
- Subhadip Paul, Arora A, Midha R, Vu D, Roy PK, Belmonte MK. Autistic traits and individual brain differences: Functional network efficiency reflects attentional and social impairments, structural nodal efficiencies index systemising and theory-of-mind skills. Molecular Autism, 12 (1) 2021.
- Subhadip Paul, S. Bhattacharyya. Cannabis use related working memory deficit is mediated by lower left hippocampus volume. Addiction Biology, 26 (4) 2021, e12984.
- Vikas Pareek, Subhadip Paul, Prasun Kumar Roy. Corpus callosum remodeling in glioma: constancy of fiber density and anisotropy in MRI. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 1-5 2021.
- Velayudhan L, Francis S, Dury R, Subhadip Paul, Bestwn S, Gowland P, Bhattacharyya S. Hippocampal functional connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease: a resting state 7T fMRI study. International Psychogeriatrics, 33 (1) 95-96, 2021.
- Subhadip Paul, Satyam Mukherjee, Sagnik, Bhattacharyya. Network organization of co-opetitive genetic influences on morphologies of the human cerebral cortex. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16 (2) 026028-38 2019.
- J. M Maurer, Subhadip Paul, Nathaniel Anderson, P. Nyalakanti, Kent A. Kiehl. Youth with elevated psychopathic traits exhibit structural integrity deficits in the uncinate fasciculus. Neuroimage: Clinical, 26 102236, 2020.
- Subhadip Paul, Sagnik Bhattacharyya. Does thinner right entorhinal cortex underlie genetic liability to cannabis use? Psychological Medicine, 48 (16) 2766-2775, 2018.
- V. Pareek, Subhadip Paul, V. P. S. Rallabandi, Prasun K. Roy. Patterning of corpus callosum integrity in glioma observed by MRI: effect of 2D bi-axial lamellar brain architecture. Journal of Neuro-Oncology (144) 1, 165-177 2019.
- Otte WM, van Diessen E, Subhadip Paul, Ramaswamy R, Subramanyam RVP, Stam CJ, Roy Prasun Kumar. Aging alterations in whole-brain networks during adulthood mapped with the minimum spanning tree indices: the interplay of density, connectivity cost and life-time trajectory. Neuroimage, 109 (1) 171-189, 2015.
- Subhadip Paul, Prasun Kumar Roy. Strategy for stochastic dose-rate induced enhanced elimination of malignant tumour without dose escalation. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 33(3) 319-328, 2016.
- Subhadip Paul, Prasun Kumar Roy. The consequence of day-to-day stochastic dose deviation from the planned dose in fractionated radiation therapy. Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering, 13(1) 159-170, 2016.
- Subhadip Paul, Prasun Kumar Roy. The effect of stochastic fluctuation in radiation dose-rate on cell survival following fractionated radiation therapy. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 57(6) 1561-1573, 2012.