Assistant Professor,
Department of Sports Science & Yoga, Belur Campus Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda
Educational & Research Institute (RKMVERI)
Neuroscience Division, JIVAN, Department of Biotechnology, School of Biological
Sciences, Narendrapur Campus, RKMVERI
E-mail: ,
Phone (Office):
Research Areas
The lab is focused on the following broad areas using electroencephalography and modern neuroimaging techniques in human subjects.
- Understanding the Brain in Chronic Pain.
- Effect of Mind-Body Interventions in Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity in Development and Rehabilitation.
- Designing strategies for optimum cognitive, emotional and physical performance-Extrospection and Introspection.
Selected Publications
- Dutta A, Lev-Ari Tidhar, Barzilay O, Mairon R, Wolf A, Ban-Shahar O, Gutfreund Y Self-motion trajectories can facilitate orientation-based figure-ground segregation. J Neurophysiol 123(3):912-926, 2020.
- Dutta A, Herman Wagner, Yoram Gutfreund. Responses to Pop-Out Stimuli in the Barn Owl’s Optic Tectum Can Emerge through Stimulus-Specific Adaptation. J Neurosci. 36(17):4876-87, 2016.
- Shai Netser, Dutta A, Yoram Gutfreund. Ongoing activity in the optic tectum is correlated on a trial-by-trial basis with the pupil dilation response. J Neurophysiol. 111(5):918-29.2014.
- Dutta A, Yoram Gutfreund. Saliency mapping in the optic tectum and its relationship to habituation. Front Integr Neurosci. 8(1)-1-13, 2014.
- Dutta A, Niranjan Kambi, Partha Raghunathan, Subash Khushu, Neeraj Jain. Large-scale reorganization of the somatosensory cortex of adult macaque monkeys revealed by fMRI. Brain Struct Funct. 219(4):1305-20, 2014.
- Koushik Ray K, Dutta A, Panjwani U, Thakur L, Anand JP, Kumar S (2011). Hypobaric Hypoxia Modulates Brain Biogenic Amines and Disturbs Sleep Architecture. Neurochem Int 58:112-118, 2011.
Lab Members
- PhD Scholar:
- Soumyajyoti Ghosal (DST Inspire Fellow JRF, MSc. (Gold Medallist), Life Sciences).
- Past Members:
- Arpan Chattopadhyay (MSc. Sports Science)
- Position for PhD is open for applicants who are interested in cognitive neuroscience.
- NET (JRF) qualified applicants from the field of life sciences, computer science, & data science and other allied fields will be preferred.
- Applicants should be enthusiastic, energetic, and are interested for innovating new ideas and applications in translational cognitive neuroscience research.
- Advanced knowledge and skill in computer programming are compulsory for translational approach.
- For basic cognitive research, candidates with basic knowledge in MATLAB or Python are preferred although not mandatory.
Interested applicants can contact Dr. Arkadeb Dutta (CV) for further queries.