The sports division of AIU (Association of Indian Universities) functions as the Inter University Sports Board for the promotion of competitive sports in the university sector. In university education, sports plays an important role in the development of integrated personality of the youth including – body, mind and spirit. Accordingly, active participation of University students in competitive sports generates a spirit of healthy competition in daily life too.
With this vision, every year AIU organizes National University Games in collaboration with member Universities for participation of University teams/contingent in National and International Championships. Only those universities having membership of AIU can participate in the National University Games.
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar has been entrusted by AIU to organize the All India Inter University Yogasana (M & W) Championship 2021-22. The competition took place from 25th to 28th December, 2021 in the KIIT University Campus in Bhubaneswar.
Participation and Performance
In this competition, a total of 182 Universities, combining both men and women categories, had their teams participate. The total number of participants was approximately 3000. Each men’s as well as women’s team consisted of six members. At any event, only five of them could participate and one had to stay in standby. The age restriction for the participants in both categories was extended to 26 years from that of 25 years in previous championships, owing to the prevalent Covid situation. Each team was assigned a particular day to stage their performance.
RKMVERI has a vibrant Sports Science and Yoga Department. The Department sent a team of six boys for the competition. The team participated in the men’s category. The participants were Someswar Biswas Kamin Mibang, both from MA (Yoga) 2020-22 batch, and, Kuntal Mondal, Goutam Das, Anshu Gupta, Nayan Mallick from PG Diploma in Yoga 2021 batch. They had to perform some compulsory and some optional yogic exercises set by the organising committee for the competition. Those are listed below-
- Compulsory Asanas
- Paschimottanasana,Sarvangasana,Purna,Dhanurasana, Karnapidasana, Garudasana
- Surya Namaskara (one time)
- Optional Asanas
Mayurasana, Padma Bakasana, Hanumansana, Titiabhasana, Purna Chakrasana, Setubandh sarvangasana, Vrischikasana, Purna shalavasana, Omkarasana In the compulsory section, each of the participants from a team had to perform all the asanas while synchronizing their every movement. After that event, four optional asanas had to be performed. The teams had to conclude their performance with the demonstration of Surya Namaskar(one time) with twelve counts. All our students performed very well without dropping any asana till they were commanded.
Keeping Swami Vivekananda’s words in mind and echoing AIU’s vision, we are sure that our students have gained a very valuable experience with this participation and thereby, we are committed to motivate our students to regularly participate in this type of championship in the future.
Click here for the report
Photos of the Championship

Some asanas from the Championship
1. Mayurasana
2. Gadurasana
3. Karnapeethasana
4. Purna Dhanurasana
5. Sarvangasana
6. Paschim Utthanasana
7. Hanumanasana
8. Surya Namaskar